Family housing should be chosen with an eye to the future. If you already have a child, it is important to take into account, among other things, his needs, which will change with age. In this case, how to choose an apartment correctly and not lose?
It is necessary to take into account several main aspects.
Safe area
The safety of the child is the most important priority of parents. As they grow up and gain independence, the child will move away from the playground under your window and explore the world beyond. Therefore, it is necessary that this world be as friendly to him as possible.
In the process of choosing an apartment, explore the area: what is next to the house, is there a roadway and other potentially dangerous places nearby, at what distance are key locations like kindergartens, schools, hospitals, shops, etc.
Availability of the necessary infrastructure
The proximity of a kindergarten, school, shops, playground, public transport stops is a fundamentally important point on which the comfort of your family depends. You will have to face these locations every day, so it is advisable that they are within walking distance.
Entrance and floor
Ideally, the entrance should be equipped with a ramp for convenient lifting and lowering of the stroller. Also, if you have a child, ideally you need to look for an apartment on the 2nd -3rd floor, so that in case of anything, you can go down the stairs without any problems. Elevators often break down, which can be a big problem if you live on the upper floors.
Functional layout of the apartment
Ideally, the child should have his own room, which in the future will give him personal space. The question will disappear by itself if you buy a house with two or three rooms. If it is a «one–bedroom», it is desirable that it has 2 windows in order to redevelop or correctly zone the space for the equipment of the play area, and as you grow up — places for preparing lessons, hobby classes.
The most important thing when choosing an apartment is not to rush, carefully weigh your decision and think about the comfort of your loved ones.