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  • Bulletin board in Kaznet - you need it!

Bulletin board in Kaznet - you need it!


It is no secret that Kazakhstan's Internet sector — the so-called Kaznet — lags far behind in its development from many of its counterparts in the republics of the former USSR.


Once there was a peak of development — brief, but bright, and then for some reason everything came to naught.


Pandemic as a new springboard


The coronavirus pandemic, strict quarantine, self-isolation, remote work format — all this willy-nilly forced people to pay attention to the Internet, not only for entertainment or communication, many realized that it is a great tool for doing business. And now a variety of Internet projects have begun to appear in Kazakhstan. And this can not but rejoice.


The main thing is that people are not afraid to start working on the Internet in areas where everything seems to be busy — where there is high competition and it is quite difficult to break through. For example, these include news sites, marketplaces or bulletin boards.


Of course, it is necessary to make efforts here and not wait for a momentary return. An example of the right approach — NATUMBE.kz — site of free ads. It is here that you can find what you need or sell what your heart desires — it is not stuffy here, as in many other similar services… there is a lot of space, and broad prospects for development that ask for themselves — «Take your place here early, then you will appreciate your foresight!»



Probably, our Kazakhstan market has been analyzed in this direction. All the advantages and disadvantages of the available services were taken into account. And they, in fact, can be counted on the fingers of one hand… And they are quite «heavy», if I may say so. The age of the site has its pros and cons. These sites have chosen their full potential, and literally stopped developing. Something cannot be changed, the whole huge pyramid will collapse...


New people and new ideas have come


Creating a website in the style of a «free bulletin board» is not today's invention, a lot of people start such projects and most disappear after a year or two… Some aspects are important here. For example, monetization of the site. It is clear that today 99% of all websites on the Internet are created for the purpose of making a profit. Most often these are simple online stores. Sometimes these are sites that provide certain services, and their financial interest is carefully hidden… This is what most rating services do — they say, we are absolutely objective and do not make money on anything."..


News portals do not hide — their earnings are advertising, and it can really bring good money there.


Bulletin board


This format initially works on the principle that anyone can submit their ad for free. But today it is not enough to give a person such an opportunity. The site should be convenient and understandable. It's easy to find what you need on the site — this is the most important thing. The Internet is used by people of different social strata, different age groups, different education… but all of them should feel equally comfortable on the site.


It's easy to find the ad you need, it's easy to submit your ad. Nothing superfluous, something that irritates and makes you go to a competitor!


An important role is also played by the presence of a mobile version of the site — after all, among other things, users are also divided into those who use a desktop computer or laptop, but now half, if not more, are users of mobile gadgets, tablet PCs and smartphones!


Digital Kazakhstan


Digitalization of our republic is a big and extremely useful thing, but it is impossible without hundreds of thousands and millions of such small links, cogs, nuts, gears… IT specialists, a well-organized Internet space of the republic, where their own self-sufficient projects are slowly but surely being born.


We are, one might say, only at the very beginning of a long path of positive development...

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