Seascape Oil painting on canvas - "Sea. 4 seagulls" 1 653.30 rub

Seascape Oil painting on canvas - "Sea. 4 seagulls"

Created: May 29 2022
Seascape Oil painting on canvas - "Sea. 4 seagulls
Seascape Oil painting on canvas - "Sea. 4 seagulls
Address: Balqash, Kazakhstan
Description Seascape Oil painting on canvas - "Sea. 4 seagulls" Noise of waves... Sparkling water... This salty, iodine air, filled with pleasant sea coolness... and a sunny day... the daytime breeze makes you dizzy and makes you forget about all the sorrows... A wonderful light, air-filled work is painted in oil on canvas 99x69 cm in size, with high-quality Master Class oil paints (natural pigment). The colors are clean, cheerful and positive. This light and exciting seascape, evoking dreams of distant lands, will take its rightful place in your interior or become a wonderful original gift for your friends and relatives.
Created: May 29 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 653.30 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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