Chickens daily broiler chickens, ducklings kopp cobb 500, Arbor broler 300 ₸

Chickens daily broiler chickens, ducklings kopp cobb 500, Arbor broler

Created: June 1 2022
Chickens daily broiler chickens, ducklings kopp cobb 500, Arbor broler Байтерек - photo 1
Chickens daily broiler chickens, ducklings kopp cobb 500, Arbor broler Байтерек - photo 2
Chickens daily broiler chickens, ducklings kopp cobb 500, Arbor broler Байтерек - photo 3
Address: Байтерек, Kazakhstan
Poultry farm. Write to WhatsApp to call from 9-20 hours Wholesale price 300 from 2000 pieces. Retail 360 tenge. vaccinated against all infectious diseases (Newcastle, ILT, bird flu). injection in the back of the head Weekly 500 tenge 3 weeks old 1000 tenge chickens 900 tenge per 1 kilogram broiler broiler ducklings Ducklings are very early and grow fast. Already at the age of two months, their average weight is 3.4-3.7 kilograms. daily ducklings 500 tenge, blue duck 500 tenge turkey poults 1500 tenge 1 week turkey poults 2500 tenge 1 month turkey male 12000 tenge turkey 8000 tenge
Created: June 1 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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