Vector massage and Somatics

Vector massage and Somatics

Created: May 16 2022
Vector massage and Somatics Atyrau - photo 1
Vector massage and Somatics Atyrau - photo 2
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
I offer Vector massage and somatics! To begin with, we will analyze what Vector massage and Somatics are. Vector massage and Somatiaka is a massage on the internal organs of a person. I work on the lymphatic system, through bowel movements. The human immune system depends on the lymphatic systems by 70%. It contains toxins, it can also be called the sewage system of the body. I work on the gallbladder, so you can restore the function of the pancreas, in other words, if you call it, the secretion of acidic juice, which has a good effect on the digestion of the stomach. I work in the area of the diaphragm, which is great for the lungs and the heart. In many ways, these organs are subject to a bad climate, negative habits, such as smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, due to which snoring and shortness of breath appear. Working on the diaphragm is a great breath of fresh air, really new. I work on trigger points, which favorably open up circulation from head to toe. Also, work on this zone has a positive effect on singing, on the voice, that is, the voice manifests itself cleanly, beautifully, since the trigger points are located in the jaw, temple, and back of the head. And the basis of health begins with a healthy jaw. And for me it is your beautiful smile!!! All health!!! For complete information, she studied in Moscow with Stanislav Chernonog.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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