Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling

Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling

Created: May 12 2022
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 1
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 2
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 3
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 4
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 5
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 6
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 7
Panel repair, dashboard, airbags, airbag, panel, ceiling Atyrau - photo 8
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Steering wheel market provide a range of services for interior upholstery repair of panels after opened airbags, complete restoration to their original appearance, restoration of jammed seat belts. Block firmware removal of srs airbag errors. Also rebuilding the srs system with reloading airbags and the possibility of a new airbag deployment. Preparation of cars of all classes according to the srs airbag system for passage to the Tengiz and Karabatan facilities. Reupholstery and restoration of all interior panels of door cards. Padding of ceilings and ceiling racks. Restoration of leather seats. Steering wheel upholstery, seat upholstery, authorization flooring and other interior details of any complexity. There is an installment option up to 12 months through Center Credit Bank. We work with cash and non-cash payments. We are located at st. Sarymadtova 62a along the road Autocomplex Rul Market between bagira and hostess shops You can also see photos and videos of our work on our Instagram page Rul_market_kz
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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