Purshat - a miracle remedy for yellowing and sunburn of conifers 1 000 ₸

Purshat - a miracle remedy for yellowing and sunburn of conifers

Created: May 28 2022
Purshat - a miracle remedy for yellowing and sunburn of conifers Atyrau - photo 1
Purshat - a miracle remedy for yellowing and sunburn of conifers Atyrau - photo 2
Purshat - a miracle remedy for yellowing and sunburn of conifers Atyrau - photo 3
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Sunburn on coniferous trees is a common problem, especially in Atyrau and Aktau. Trees affected by desiccation (especially arborvitae and junipers) lose their decorative effect for a long time, are hard to recover - brown traces of burns remain on the needles for several years. And young and badly burnt trees can even die. What to do? You can cover the trees with various materials, install houses or shields. But there is an easier and more convenient way to protect needles from sunburn - professional and sunscreen "Purshat-O" and pines, it reflects direct sunlight and rays reflected from snow, new shoots grow more intensively, and the crown is updated faster. moisture is retained and its evaporation from the surface of the needles is controlled - the water balance is normal, overheating of plants is excluded, because the temperature of the plant decreases by 8 degrees - a shading effect is created. It is important that the product is absolutely harmless to the growth, development and respiration of trees. All this and much more in a huge assortment. Azattyk 166 Stop Selstroy magician Tayburyl - Garden-Ogorod 2-storey building along the road in the area of the 6th school, a little before reaching the village of Balykshi from 09.00-19.00 Without a break for lunch. Good luck, warmth and family well-being to all of you!
Created: May 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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