Profiled sheet Decking Metal tile Cascade Tiles 2 900 ₸

Profiled sheet Decking Metal tile Cascade Tiles

Created: May 24 2022
Profiled sheet Decking Metal tile Cascade Tiles Atyrau - photo 1
Profiled sheet Decking Metal tile Cascade Tiles Atyrau - photo 2
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Metal tile and corrugated board from the polymer metal manufacturer MMK (Magnitogorsk Russia) is the best quality and low price for your roof. Metal tile Cascade for 3250tg/m2. Length on request. Delivery is free. - metal thickness from 0.3-055 mm - wave height from s-8 mm to H-60, metal tile wave pitch 350 mm. The most famous metal tiles of our time are "Cascade", "Andalusia" and "Monterrey" we will produce individually for your roof. - the most popular colors of the roof, -Chocolate 8017 -Bordeaux 3005 -Ruby 3003 -Green moss 6005 -Graphite (wet asphalt) 7024 -White 9003 -Dark blue 5002 -Light blue 5005 -glossy (MMK) and matte finish (MMK) - length sheets from 0.5 m to 10 m AS WELL AS DRAINAGE SYSTEM Calculation of material in the "Roof" program of any complexity, on any roof in sales offices FOR FREE!!! We organize prompt delivery to any district of Atyrau and the region. Prices from the manufacturer! Volume discount system! Address: Mkr (Atyrau) st. Mendykulova, 78 8 778 218 69 69
Created: May 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 900 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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