Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler 1 150 ₸

Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler

Created: June 15 2022
Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler Atyrau - photo 1
Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler Atyrau - photo 2
Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler Atyrau - photo 3
Wholesale Meat Laying hens, turkey, rabbit, quail, broiler Atyrau - photo 4
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Laying hens weight 1 kg - price 1150 tg carcass Rabbit weight from 2-3 kg - price 2300 tg kg Turkey weight from 9-14 kg - price 1600 tg kg Quail weight from 200-300 gr - price 2600 tg kg Broiler weight from 3 -5 kg - price 970 tg kg Wholesale price We sell wholesale only There is a volume Meat is always fresh and always You can always agree on a price Write a call at any time Beck +7 702 233 2030 +7 702 233 2030
Created: June 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 150 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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