Motorcycle YX 250GY-C5C 113 894 rub

Motorcycle YX 250GY-C5C

Created: April 27 2022
Motorcycle YX 250GY-C5C Atyrau - photo 1
Motorcycle YX 250GY-C5C Atyrau - photo 2
Motorcycle YX 250GY-C5C Atyrau - photo 3
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
The YX 250GY-C5C motorcycle is the most powerful model in the new line of ZiD motorcycles. This model has a modern design with a claim to the class "Enduro". A powerful engine, large suspension and fork travel, “evil” tires, a rigid frame, front and rear disc brakes, all this allows you not only to move in various road conditions, but even try your hand at overcoming difficult areas close to off-road. But you need to understand that this is still a road model and you should not seriously get involved in a cross-country driving style. The lightweight ENDURO ZID 250 is a cross-country motorcycle for public roads. The classic protected front shock absorber fork and large wheel size make the motorcycle easy to control and comfortable. First of all, it is recommended for operation in the village, where dirt roads, soft surface, difficult sections of the tracks. However, do not forget that in sports and high-speed riding, a motorcyclist must have control skills and be in good physical shape. After all, riding on a cross track is a periodic ups and downs. Considering the eagerness with which motocross is developing, it is quite logical that two-wheeled corresponding modifications are in high demand, both among professionals and those who are just entering the world of speed on closed tracks. Features of the Engine of the Motorcycle ZID YX 250GY-C5C The valve springs of the ENDURO ZID YINXIANG 250 motorcycle are made using stainless steel plating technology. The weight of the powerful engine is reduced by aluminum flywheels. The gearbox is made in the form of a variator (it allows you to change the speed without stepwise gear shifting). Increased clutch reliability is provided by two sets of springs of different elasticity. • Wear-resistant Teflon-coated pistons • Ceramic heat-resistant coating of cylinders • Larger carburetor diffuser for forced engine operation • Adjustable ignition timing for different operating modes and types of gasoline • Dual winding ignition coils • Oversized cylinder head valves for durability in the operation of the distribution mechanism • Carburetor petal valves that save fuel and increase power by filtering the mixture from exhaust gases.
Created: April 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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