Electrician around the clock Atyrau 24/7

Electrician around the clock Atyrau 24/7

Created: May 17 2022
Electrician around the clock Atyrau 24/7 Atyrau - photo 1
Electrician around the clock Atyrau 24/7 Atyrau - photo 2
Electrician around the clock Atyrau 24/7 Atyrau - photo 3
Address: Atyrau, Kazakhstan
you care about the SAFETY of YOUR HOME and ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, then an electrician with 15 years of experience will do your work RELIABLE and QUALITATIVELY. We work around the clock, call anytime. We travel to any part of the city. Free consultation. -Installation and replacement of chandeliers -Replacement and installation of sockets and switches -Replacement and installation of meters and automatic machines -Replacement of electrical wiring -Complete installation of houses and buildings -Turnkey work - Longer service possible
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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