Beef udder - food delicacy for dogs and cats 490 ₸

Beef udder - food delicacy for dogs and cats

Created: June 17 2022
Beef udder - food delicacy for dogs and cats Astana - photo 1
Beef udder - food delicacy for dogs and cats Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
BEEF UDDDER /chopped into pieces 5x5 cm, packing in 1 kg food bags. Quite tasty and healthy food for dogs. The collagen protein contained in the product affects the condition of the tendons, bones, skin and coat of the animal, rich in minerals. This is a fairly high-calorie product, due to the content of fatty milk residues in the udder, which remains in sufficient quantities when the animal is slaughtered. Look and subscribe to our sheraplus instagram page - there is complete information about our range, a full price list, news, promotions, novelties, etc. Departure from Almaty to Astana every two weeks, delivery cost 70 tg / kg Accepting orders on WhatsApp 8 700 317 0727
Created: June 17 2022
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