I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience.

I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience.

Created: May 19 2022
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 1
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 2
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 3
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 4
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 5
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 6
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 7
I'll take your brand for tailoring. Seamstress cutter, experience. Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
I will take on tailoring your brand of clothing. Great experience, more than 15 years. Seamstress, cutter, designer. Quality! Short terms, reasonable prices. The photo shows my work. Write to WhatsApp +77472547557
Created: May 19 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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