Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales 918.50 rub

Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales

Created: June 30 2022
Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales Astana - photo 1
Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales Astana - photo 2
Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales Astana - photo 3
Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales Astana - photo 4
Electronic scales, glass scales, floor scales Astana - photo 5
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Electronic floor scales, glass platform available. Weighing range up to 180 kg. Units of measurement are kilograms. To turn it on, you need to place the scales on a flat surface and lightly press your foot on the glass case. Zeros will appear on the screen. After that, you need to stand on the scales evenly, with both feet, and wait a few seconds until the value is set. Indication accuracy. After finishing weighing, leave the platform, after a couple of seconds it will automatically turn off, the numbers will turn off. Auto on and off. Prices start from 5000 tenge and vary depending on the model. Fast delivery in 2-4 hours in Astana Kuyshi Dina, 15 Shop "AT HOME" We work daily, from 10.00 to 20.00, without a break for lunch Find us on Instagram: athome.kz See our other ads, we have a lot of interesting things
Created: June 30 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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918.50 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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