Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers 28 000 ₸

Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers

Created: May 22 2022
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 1
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 2
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 3
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 4
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 5
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 6
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 7
Fans, pumps and pumping units, heating boilers Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Duct, radial, roof, axial fans, ventilation grilles and diffusers, valves, filters, heaters. Pumps and pumping installations. Heating boilers, electric, coal, diesel. Accessories. For each type, type of equipment, please specify the prices by phone numbers. Our address: Nur-Sultan, st. Musrepova, 15 A, Technical Center VisVal. Phones: (7172) 52-60-11, 52-60-22, 8-701-599-2490, 8-701-599-2498.
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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28 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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