Vacuum Degasser for Silicones 95 000 ₸

Vacuum Degasser for Silicones

Created: May 27 2022
Vacuum Degasser for Silicones Astana - photo 1
Vacuum Degasser for Silicones Astana - photo 2
Vacuum Degasser for Silicones Astana - photo 3
Vacuum Degasser for Silicones Astana - photo 4
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Vacuum degassing of silicones is a very complex process that has many different nuances. Before starting the process, you need to carefully study all the technical documentation, where all the nuances must be carefully described. If this recommendation is neglected, then the result obtained may be very far from ideal, and it will not be possible to correct it. The process of silicone degassing takes place in three stages: At the first stage of degassing, liquid is pumped out of the device. This process takes place due to the internal pumps of the vacuum system for degassing, The second stage of silicone degassing includes the initial processing of silicone inside the vacuum unit, During the third stage, a number of processes take place, with the help of which the final purification of silicone from various impurities takes place, as a result of which it will be possible to end up with quality products.
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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95 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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