Turner, turning works of any complexity

Turner, turning works of any complexity

Created: May 13 2022
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 1
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 2
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 3
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 4
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 5
Turner, turning works of any complexity Astana - photo 6
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
We offer you turning services of any complexity. In the arsenal there are machines: 1. Lathe 2. Milling machine for metal 3. Band saw machine, cuts different metals with a diameter of up to 280mm 4. Planer We will make various gears, adapter plates, shafts, cutting splined shafts, milling, making molds , veneer grooves internal, external and more. Our machines allow us to perform a huge number of turning operations with high precision. Digital rulers are installed on the lathe and milling machine. Working day Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 19.00, Saturday - Sunday day off. We will be glad to see you at our place. Our address is the city of Nur-Sultan, st. Al Farabi 25, 8778-888-8901 (manager) 8775-282-5743 (turner)
Created: May 13 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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