Dry fog / neutralization of smells in a car 3000tg, Call right now!

Dry fog / neutralization of smells in a car 3000tg, Call right now!

Created: May 12 2022
Dry fog / neutralization of smells in a car 3000tg, Call right now! Astana - photo 1
Dry fog / neutralization of smells in a car 3000tg, Call right now! Astana - photo 2
Dry fog / neutralization of smells in a car 3000tg, Call right now! Astana - photo 3
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
If you want to sell a car, and it has an unpleasant smell that scares away buyers - the stink of cigarettes, animals, sweat, or worse, spilled gasoline, rotten food ... And you own such a car and you can’t get rid of the stench in any way? With the help of "dry fog" technology you will get rid of the smell once and for all! This development has become an innovation in the field of cleaning and is successfully working in the auto industry. A huge number of positive reviews on the Internet, Dry Fog eliminates the smell completely and irrevocably, and instead, a light aroma will remain that will last in the car from a week to a month! The effect is already in just an hour! Of course, you can continue to sell the car and blush in front of buyers, or hate the interior of your car and cover everything with useless stinks, Or you can order services right now at the number below and enjoy the pleasant smell, like in a new car, and buyers will be delighted!
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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