Rack above the washing machine, rack above the toilet 13 000 ₸

Rack above the washing machine, rack above the toilet

Created: July 9 2022
Rack above the washing machine, rack above the toilet Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
An interesting and practical solution for organizing space. The rack above the washing machine makes it possible to use the free space above the appliances. Especially relevant for a small bathroom. The elegant design does not clutter up the space at all, unlike a wall cabinet. At the same time, the stand is quite spacious. You can conveniently arrange cleaning products, household accessories, cosmetics and bath accessories. Your washing machine will no longer be filled with household chemicals, and washing powder will not fall to the floor during the spin cycle. The rack is made of stainless steel with a white powder coating. Width - 65 cm. Durable and stable shelving is easy to assemble and install. Also, there is a rack above the toilet. Outwardly, it is identical to the rack above the washing machine, the difference is only in the width of the rack, it is 47 cm. The rack above the toilet bowl - 13500 tenge The rack above the washing machine -14000 tenge to the specified number Our address: Nur-Sultan, st. Kuishi Dina, 15 Shop "AT HOME" We work daily, from 10.00 to 20.00 hours, without a break for lunch Find us on Instagram: athome.kz See our other ads, we have a lot of interesting things
Created: July 9 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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13 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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