Channel steel hot-rolled. delivery from 8-10 tons 15 000 ₸

Channel steel hot-rolled. delivery from 8-10 tons

Created: May 26 2022
Channel steel hot-rolled. delivery from 8-10 tons Astana - photo 1
Channel steel hot-rolled. delivery from 8-10 tons Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Hot-rolled steel channel Description Important elements of any metal structure are hot-rolled steel channels. Profile rolled metal is produced at rolling mills by heating the billet in methodical furnaces and pressing the slab in rolls in order to obtain a product of the desired size. The steel channel consists of two shelves perpendicular to the base and has a U-shape. The edges of a hot-rolled channel can have a different angle of inclination of the inner edges, the size of which does not exceed 10%. The design features of the channel include high resistance to twisting, longitudinal and transverse loads. This greatly extends the life of the entire structure. The hot-rolled channel according to its purpose is divided into specialized and general. The width of the shelves varies in the range of 32-115 mm, height 50-400 mm. Steel channels are divided into: hot-rolled, special, bent (equal-shelf and unequal-shelf). Hot-rolled steel channels have a different assortment, it is formed taking into account the main indicators: the width and thickness of the flange, the height of the channel, the wall thickness, the radius of the internal curvature and the flange. According to the accuracy of rolling, channels are divided into products of normal strength and increased strength. Channels corresponding to the GOST 8240-97 indicators are produced in various types: with parallel edges of the shelves, a special series, light, economical, with internal edges of the shelves located at a certain slope.
Created: May 26 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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15 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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