boring of the central hole turner crimping microcracks argon

boring of the central hole turner crimping microcracks argon

Created: May 17 2022
boring of the central hole turner crimping microcracks argon Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
st. Kobda 2a, we are located on the territory of the AUTOMART market, inside STO-1 in the hangar No days off! Turning works of any complexity, any milling work (also cylinder head milling), fine welding work, drilling work. Drilling out chips. Available lathe, radial drilling machine, milling machine, grinding machine, valve grinding machine. I guarantee the completion of work on time and accuracy. Cylinder head milling, Heads from any brand of car of any size, Restoration of valves, straightening and polishing of valves. turning of flywheels, manufacturing of anchor bolts, cutting of any threads (external, internal, metric, inch, pipe, cutting of 11 threads), production of spurs, canopies, drilling of chippings (any), production of screw drivers for candles without removing the cylinder head. It is possible with your material, according to your drawing.
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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