Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg 12 500 ₸

Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg

Created: May 25 2022
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 1
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 2
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 3
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 4
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 5
Sale of leftover enamel paints PF-115 20kg Astana - photo 6
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Enamel PF 115 is suitable for various types of surfaces, for outdoor and indoor use. After preliminary preparation, including cleaning and degreasing the surface, the composition can be applied to metal, wood, brick, plaster or concrete surfaces. Various colors, packaging, etc. Payment cash and without cash. There is free shipping for orders over 20000tg.
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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12 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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