Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! 420 000 ₸

Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail!

Created: April 27 2022
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 1
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 2
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 3
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 4
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 5
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 6
Sale of motorcycles! Wholesale and Retail! Astana - photo 7
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Sale of motorcycles wholesale and retail! The only official representatives of the YAQI plant in Kazakhstan! The main warehouse is located in Almaty. Warehouse in Nur-Sultan at Kenesery 52 (LCD Eden Palace), "Battery Center". In Nur-Sultan at the moment there are the following types: - 150 cubic meters at a price of 420,000 tenge, - 200 cubic meters at a price of 450,000 tenge (a tape recorder comes as a gift with 200 cubic meters). Helmet separately 5000 tenge. Wholesale prices are discussed when ordering from 5 pcs. Delivery and sending to the regions is paid separately or carried out by self.
Created: April 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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420 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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