I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18 20 000 ₸

I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18

Created: May 22 2022
I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18 Astana - photo 1
I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18 Astana - photo 2
I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18 Astana - photo 3
I will sell internal blocks of conditioners from Midea 12,18 Astana - photo 4
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
I will sell internal blocks of conditioners: Midea 12-20000tg Midea 18-25000tg New, the box did not open. Outdoor blocks are used for other purposes. There are also used 7, 18 electrolux in good condition. Suitable for simple outdoor air conditioner units with any freon. There is a guarantee. Located 187 street, 16/3 call before leaving
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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20 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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