I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed 120 000 ₸

I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed

Created: June 14 2022
I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed Astana - photo 1
I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed Astana - photo 2
I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed Astana - photo 3
I will sell goats of Saanen and Czech breed Astana - photo 4
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
I will sell goats to the first lambing. Tall strong. Dairy milking is easy 2 single milking machine and manual. They lambed at the end of March, now the second month of lactation, the goats on the milking 2-2.5 liters per day. polled. (without horns) Saanen goats at 120,000 each. In the Czech type, 180,000. There is no bargaining for empty spaces, please do not disturb, they are located on the 96th junction of the village of Ybyray Altynsarina from the city 1 km along the Astrakhan highway towards talapker, write to WhatsApp at any time, I will throw off additional video. 87754189781 Batyrbek
Created: June 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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120 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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