Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years 23 000 ₸

Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years

Created: May 3 2022
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 1
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 2
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 3
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 4
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 5
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 6
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 7
Sell stroller "Pilot" from birth to 3 years Astana - photo 8
Condition: Select 
The stroller is in excellent condition. Production - Russia. New ones cost over $100,000. The quality is excellent. Comfortable, rides gently, does not shake, maneuverable, the handle is reversible, adjustable to different heights. Folds up easily. There is a mosquito net. + As a gift I will give a mattress for a stroller and a developing mat. The stroller is not blown, warm. The most for our weather, especially for newborn babies. Comfortable in both summer and winter. Because the covers are easy to remove. Nice neutral color for both boys and girls. You won't regret buying at this price. Proven Stroller!
Created: May 3 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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23 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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