I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey 850 ₸

I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey

Created: June 15 2022
I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey Astana - photo 1
I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey Astana - photo 2
I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey Astana - photo 3
I will sell an incubatory egg of geese of ducks of a broiler of a turkey Astana - photo 4
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
I will sell wholesale and retail incubation eggs of broiler duck geese and send them to the regions of the country. Egg fresh factory. The output is excellent. The parent stock is vaccinated. WhatsApp for inquiries and orders 87051061057
Created: June 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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