Sell baby stroller 40 000 ₸

Sell baby stroller

Created: May 3 2022
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 1
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 2
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 3
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 4
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 5
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 6
Sell baby stroller Astana - photo 7
Condition: Select 
Comfortable stroller. Used in good condition. 3 positions of the stroller: from birth as a cradle, for children who are just preparing to sit down, and already sitting. The handle is adjustable for the height of an adult, does not spread. The body of the stroller unfolds to the handle and away from the handle. Stroller with very good maneuverability. The stroller comes with a mattress for newborns. Size 85 x 35 x 3 cm. Perfect for this stroller. Stroller 40000 tg. Mattress 5000 tg. I do not accept payment through SDEK and Kazpost!
Created: May 3 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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40 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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