1-room apartment 30 500 000 ₸

1-room apartment

Created: March 24 2022
1-room apartment Astana - photo 1
1-room apartment Astana - photo 2
1-room apartment Astana - photo 3
1-room apartment Astana - photo 4
1-room apartment Astana - photo 5
1-room apartment Astana - photo 6
1-room apartment Astana - photo 7
1-room apartment Astana - photo 8
1-room apartment Astana - photo 9
1-room apartment Astana - photo 10
1-room apartment Astana - photo 11
1-room apartment Astana - photo 12
1-room apartment Astana - photo 13
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Selling 1 room. sq. in LCD Aria, business class. Bokeikhanov st., 20. Pre-finishing condition, keys on hand. Square 39.34m2. The windows face south, it is always sunny. There is a video intercom. The LCD is compact, there are only 4 entrances. There will be trade.
Created: March 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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30 500 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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