1-room apartment 14 999 990 ₸

1-room apartment

Created: March 24 2022
1-room apartment Astana - photo 1
1-room apartment Astana - photo 2
1-room apartment Astana - photo 3
1-room apartment Astana - photo 4
1-room apartment Astana - photo 5
1-room apartment Astana - photo 6
1-room apartment Astana - photo 7
1-room apartment Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Renovated apartment come live in a good developing area of the new station Tulebaeva 25, studio kitchen, toilet, bath, intercom, documents in order, suitable for a mortgage, next to the house everything you need is a kindergarten, school, hospital within walking distance, prepositions options +77752832345 Madiyar
Created: March 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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14 999 990 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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