I provide services of the Crane 25 tone K-5 1 111 111 ₸

I provide services of the Crane 25 tone K-5

Created: May 20 2022
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
I provide services of a Crane of 25 tons K-5 with a lifting capacity of an outreach of 35 meters, in addition there is a goose for 4 meters. The crane operator is a qualified specialist with extensive experience. We consider the provision of services for any amount of time, for an hour or two, etc. Long-term service is a priority. The price for the provision of services is negotiable, depending on the long-term order.
Created: May 20 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 111 111 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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