RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft

RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft

Created: May 16 2022
RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft Astana - photo 1
RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft Astana - photo 2
RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft Astana - photo 3
RE-PLANNING legalization, ACT OF INPUT, SKETCH, DESIGN, working draft Astana - photo 4
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Welcome to the Architectural and Design Company! You can see our work on our website and Instagram architects_ra has the latest news and necessary information. There is also a turnkey service. We will go through all the stages of paperwork, obtaining permission and legalization for you! We develop: - Draft projects - Technical projects (technical projects) - Working projects (all sections) - Conceptual design (foreskiz) - Legalization of redevelopment, refurbishment, merger, division - Commissioning certificate - Author's supervision - Technical supervision - Notification to the Gas Committee - Coupon and Help with Gaska - Anti-terrorist schemes - Ready-made projects We are glad to help you 24/7! The office is located: Almaty 3, Sauran shopping center, left bank. Contacts: 8700 387 17 97 87013871797 WhatsApp is available on this number!
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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