Orthophosphoric acid 860 ₸

Orthophosphoric acid

Created: May 25 2022
Orthophosphoric acid Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Orthophosphoric acid Orthophosphoric acid is the most important product used as a basis for the production of phosphate and complex fertilizers, as well as technical phosphates. H3PO4 is widely used for metal phosphating and as a catalyst in organic synthesis. Orthophosphoric acid is also actively used in the manufacture of synthetic detergents, in the textile industry, in film photography, in medicine, as well as in the oil and glass industries. Orthophosphoric acid well removes rust from metal surfaces, prevents corrosion. In commercial freezers, Orthophosphoric acid acts as a binder in freon gas. The catalog of the online store of the company "Kairos Trade" presents a wide selection of products of the following categories: Paint and varnish products, Inspection hatches, Fire equipment. You can place an order online or by contacting the managers of our company by phone. Delivery is carried out to all regions of Kazakhstan.
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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