Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament 80 000 ₸

Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament

Created: July 8 2022
Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament Astana - photo 1
Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament Astana - photo 2
Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament Astana - photo 3
Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament Astana - photo 4
Very beautiful handmade TABLE with an ornament Astana - photo 5
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Table with elegant handmade ornament, varnished. Excellent condition, no defects. Height= 85cm. Surface dimensions 105x80cm. Left bank, not far from the expo ball and BI village I answer the same day.
Created: July 8 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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80 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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