New Alctron microphone - XLR cable 3 500 ₸

New Alctron microphone - XLR cable

Created: May 22 2022
New Alctron microphone - XLR cable Astana - photo 1
New Alctron microphone - XLR cable Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Selling a new "microphone" Alctron - XLR cable Also available XLR - XLR cable 15 meters The price is for 1 meter, other sizes ask for prices! Not all goods are included in the ad, you can check the availability and assortment through the "Contact the author" available: Sets, headphones and other equipment for sound recording and processing, listening to audio recordings. High quality Alctron factory - XLR cable, manufactured using OFC technology. OFC cable features low impedance, light weight, flexibility, maximum conductivity and pure signal transmission. Cable length: 3 meters, 2 meters or 1.5 and 1 meters (optional) You can ask questions through the "Write to the author" I will try to answer. Perhaps sending across Kazakhstan. Do not offer an exchange. The ads use original photos, real goods! Also see "All author's announcement" there are microphones, headphones for professionals and music lovers, as well as external sound cards.
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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3 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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