Astana, Kazakhstan
PRICES AND AVAILABILITY IN THE SHOP BY PHONE STAYER set Car tool "STANDARD" chrome-plated, 8 items — 2 500.00 KZT item — KZT 2,520.00 Laminate laying tool set — KZT 2,900.00 Universal DEXX set, 1/4"+3/8", 20 items — KZT 3,050.00 Driver's tool set No. 1 in a plastic box ( NIZ)//Russia 13440 — 3 550.00 KZT Fitting and assembly set 25 items Sparta — 4 990.00 KZT Fitting and assembly set, 19 items// Sparta — 5 050.00 KZT /SPARTA — 6 570.00 KZT Socket set, 1/4", heads 4 - 13 mm, with ratchet. wrench, CrV, 11 items// Stels 14125 — 8 610.00 KZT Set of TORX sockets, 14 items, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2//Stells — 9 610.00 KZT Driver's tool set No. 3, in plastic box (NIZ) Russia — 13,260.00 KZT Set of metalwork assembly, 12 pieces// Matrix 13562 — 13,470.00 KZT in a plastic case, 26 items — 13 800.00 KZT Socket set, 1/2, heads 10-22 mm, with ratchet, key — 13 850.00 KZT Socket set, ratchet 120 teeth, 12 items, 1/4 ", CrV// Gross — 14 050.00 KZT Set of socket heads, external TORX, and bits with TORX bit inserts, 22 items (953222) — 14 200.00 KZT Set of split wrenches in a bag, 8-19 mm, 6 items (W24106S) — 14,600.00 KZT Tool kit, 1/4, CrV, plastic case 29 items//STELS 14100 — 16,440.00 KZT Set Avtomobilist in plastic box (BOTTOM) Russia — 18,070.00 KZT Tool set, 1/4, CrV, S2, reinforced case 47 pcs//STELS 14099 — 20 740.00 KZT screws, 1/4, CrV, plastic case 57 items//STELS 14101 — 24 160.00 KZT Tool kit 42 items , 120 teeth, CrV, 1/4"// Gross - KZT 32,350.00 Force 4941R-5 tool kit (94 pcs) - KZT 34,000.00 95PC tool kit KING TONY ST7596MR90 - KZT 34,225.00 Tool kit 95PC KING TONY SC7596MR01 — 39 900.00 KZT Driver set with square 1/2, 24 pcs//STELS 13578 — 44 770.00 KZT Tool set, 1/2, CrV, plastic case 31 pcs//STELS 14102 — 45 850, 00 KZT Tool set 1/2, Crv, plastic case 60 pcs/ STELS 14103 — 49 300.00 KZT Tool set 1/2, 1/4, Crv, plastic case 82 pcs/ STELS 14105 — 50 410.00 KZT Tool set , 1/2.1/4, CrV, plastic case 94 items//STELS (14106) — 50 520.00 KZT Tool set, 94 items, 12 faceted heads//STELS 14118 — 51 960.00 KZT Tool set, 82 item, 12 faceted heads//STELS 14117 — 52 420.00 KZT Tool set, 109 items, 12 faceted heads//STELS 14122 — 59 330.00 KZT Tool set, 1/2, 1/4 CrV, plastic case 69 items //STELS 14108 — 62 240.00 KZT Tool kit screws 1/2, Cr-V, S-2 reinforced case 58 pcs/ STELS 14113 — 62 610.00 KZT Tool kit 1/2, 1/4, Crv, plastic case 88 pcs/ STELS 14109 — 63 150.00 KZT Set BISON "MASTER" Face heads FL
№186267 Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19