Meat and bone meal 350 ₸

Meat and bone meal

Created: June 17 2022
Meat and bone meal Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
The cost is 350 tenge per 1 kg. lumber mill kemengeruly 97 Meat and bone meal is a protein feed of animal origin. It is a good source of macronutrients: calcium contains 6.5-11.6%, phosphorus 3.3-5.9%, sodium 1.5-1.6%. It has a number of useful biologically active substances. The composition and nutritional value vary depending on the type of raw material. In flour of the first grade, moisture is not more than 9%, fat is not more than 11%, ash is not more than 28%, protein is not less than 50%. In 1 kg of flour there are about 0.8 feed units and about 320 g of digestible protein. Meat and bone meal has a high nutritional value and is used both in its natural form and as a premix for the manufacture of animal feed. Benign meat and bone meal should have an acid value of fat not more than 25 mgKOH / g, a peroxide value of fat - not more than 0.5% J (42 mmol / kg). Meat and bone meal is a good source of B1 vitamins, especially: riboflavin, choline, nicotinic acid, cobalamin. It contains some unidentified extractive beneficial factors such as intestinal growth factor from the gastrointestinal tract, Ackermann factor, a growth factor present in the ashes. Some compounds that play an important role in metabolism pass into meat and bone meal along with muscle tissue. These are: adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine (as creatine phosphate), glutamine, and glutamic acid. Free glutamic acid contained in muscle tissue is a carrier of the H2 group. With its deficiency, growth depression can occur in chickens fed with synthetic amino acids. Other growth-stimulating and regulating metabolic processes: bile acids, carnitine, pigments, serotonin, growth hormone, glucocorticoid hormones, thyroxine and some others enter the meat and bone meal along with: the pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, gastric mucosa, dorsal and the brain, abomasum of ruminants, parenchymal organs (lungs, spleen, kidneys, liver). INDICATIONS Meat and bone meal is used as feed for poultry, pigs and for enrichment of feed for young animals and for fattening farm animals, cattle, poultry and fish. The addition of meat and bone meal allows you to increase the productivity of the feed, enrich it with proteins, useful amino acids, vitamins, minerals of the feed and increase their nutritional value. In addition, it helps to normalize metabolism and enhances the nutritional properties of the feed. Positive effect Meat and bone meal flour: Broiler chickens: 1. Fast growth and easy digestibility of food, lead to a decrease in the cost of production. 2. Increased immune defenses and less loss of growth caused by diseases, including vaccinations 3. Better results due to the absence of the need for conventional medical nutritional supplements. 4. Better development of the nervous system and bone tissue, etc. 5. Less loss due to skeletal deformities caused by sepsis, colds, cellulitis, etc.
Created: June 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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