Massage parlor "Harmony of the body"

Massage parlor "Harmony of the body"

Created: May 16 2022
Massage parlor
Massage parlor
Massage parlor
Massage parlor
Massage parlor
Massage parlor
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Hi all! My name is Elmira. I am a massage therapist with a medical background, a body esthetician. I have my own massage parlor "Body Harmony" My experience is more than 9 years, I have knowledge of the practice of more than 10 types of massage. I can find my own approach to each client, feel his energy and aura, because this is very important in massage. There is a departure to the hotel Address: Valikhanov 7 King Hotel Block C For your convenience, there are several payment methods Cash Bank transfer Kaspi Red Kaspi QR
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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