Masseur-Mammologist, Breastfeeding Consultant.

Masseur-Mammologist, Breastfeeding Consultant.

Created: May 16 2022
Masseur-Mammologist, Breastfeeding Consultant. Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
An experienced massage therapist-Mammologist, Breastfeeding Consultant-performs: 1. Breastfeeding massage 2. Breastfeeding consultation (LW) 3. Relieves symptoms of lactostasis (stagnation of breast milk) 4. Prevention of mastitis and suppuration. 5. Removes plugs on the nipples, seals in the mammary gland associated with feeding, redness. Leaves for home, rod.dom. There is an ON-LINE consultation service. PROMOTION: the firstborn leads to the victorious. There are all documents confirming the specialty.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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