Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding

Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding

Created: May 17 2022
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 1
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 2
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 3
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 4
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 5
Laser cutting, metal bending. Metal shop, metalworking. Welding Astana - photo 6
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Metalworking services: - laser cutting of metal up to 10 mm - sheet bending up to 6 mm, bending - welding work - painting with conventional enamels and powder, polymer painting - drilling holes - bending cutting holes of conductive aluminum and copper tires - metal products, metal products of any shape - reproduction of any devices, cabinets, kiosks, shields and other products made of metal and stainless steel (copying, copying) - metal cutting according to drawings, models, customer samples, if necessary, development - water-mat, ASU, Floor board, electric kiosk, etc. WhatsApp 87757772002
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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