1-room apartment 280 000 ₸

1-room apartment

Created: March 24 2022
1-room apartment Astana - photo 1
1-room apartment Astana - photo 2
1-room apartment Astana - photo 3
1-room apartment Astana - photo 4
1-room apartment Astana - photo 5
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Multi-apartment residential complex with built-in premises and parking. Nur-sultan, Esil district, intersection of E128 and E126 streets. Completion date 2nd quarter 2023. On the ground floors: offices, pharmacy, supermarket, beauty salon. As well as a playground, a playground for adults, a bike path. 24-hour security, entry by car into the yard is prohibited. A school, a kindergarten and a fitness center will be built nearby. One house has 47 apartments, 7 floors, 6 apartments per floor. Comfort + house, very warm with long ceilings. Price per sq m2 280tf. Cheaper than on the market! From the developer! An apartment can be purchased starting from a 30% down payment, these 30% can be arranged in installments for 18 months, which is no less important! One-room apartments start from 39.1m2-43.2m2. Two-room apartments from 55.58m2-68m2. You can redecorate for yourself! And also by depositing 50% you will automatically participate in the competition in which the car “Cadillac Escalade” is played, a large family jeep, each of you can be lucky!
Created: March 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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280 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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