Two-room apartment for daily rent 1 285.90 rub

Two-room apartment for daily rent

Created: March 24 2022
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 1
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 2
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 3
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 4
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 5
Two-room apartment for daily rent Astana - photo 6
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Rent a clean cozy one-bedroom apartment for rent. The apartment has everything you need for your comfortable stay. Left bank street Alikhan Bukeikhanov 10 (former enbekshiler). Residential complex Kyz zhibek.. Within walking distance of KazTransGas, the Prosecutor General's Office, the President's Library, EXPO, the financial center, the National Security Committee, the Ministry of Defense, the House of Ministries, the Supreme Court, as well as the Center for Motherhood and Childhood, a cardio center, a diagnostic center, a neurosurgery center . in our house cafe Uzbek number 1. 8-707-162-59-37 Aigul
Created: March 24 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 285.90 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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