Interior paint Cabriole for walls and ceilings tinted 3 kg 1 800 ₸

Interior paint Cabriole for walls and ceilings tinted 3 kg

Created: May 25 2022
Interior paint Cabriole for walls and ceilings tinted 3 kg Astana - photo 1
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Address Zhakyp Omarov 111, delivery within the city. The paint is intended for painting walls and ceilings inside dry rooms on concrete, plastered, plasterboard, brick, wooden surfaces, except for metal ones. It can be used for finishing work in the premises of children's and medical institutions. It is not recommended to use paint for painting surfaces exposed to intense pollution and moisture. The highest level of whiteness, especially strong formula, universal, remains snow-white for many years, eco-friendly. Delivery in the city.
Created: May 25 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 800 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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