combo amplifier spider v20 80 000 ₸

combo amplifier spider v20

Created: May 21 2022
combo amplifier spider v20 Astana - photo 1
combo amplifier spider v20 Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Sell combo spider v20 mk combo spider v20. Ideal for home, not very loud, and suitable for rehearsals, there are about 200 banks in the combo, you can connect to a computer using usb, you can also play with headphones. It produces a good tight sound on overdrive and a soft wedge, and the glassy sound sounds very cool on the strat, the presets are twisted for me, but they can be changed through the spider remote program or just twisted from the head. The program can be downloaded both to a computer and to your smartphone, in order to edit presets, simply connect the combo to your device. You can write here, or by number 87002717448, on whatsapp Trading is appropriate
Created: May 21 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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80 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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