Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g. "Lombard Bely" 38 117.75 rub

Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g. "Lombard Bely"

Created: May 30 2022
Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g.
Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g.
Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g.
Diamond ring, gold 585 Russia, weight 4.15 g.
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Product code No. 16912 Red gold, Proof: 585, Weight: 4.15 g, Size: 21, Production: Russia, #diamond#gold Condition: used (like new) Delivery around the city! EVERY PRODUCT HAS BEEN ULTRA-CLEANED AND POLISHED! When purchasing goods, a sales and fiscal receipt is provided. Our Address: Nur-Sultan, 5 Respublika Ave. PAWNSHOP "WHITE" For all questions, contact the sales department (schedule from 9 00 - 21 00) phone 8 747 094 48 51, 8 747 283 79 44 (Whatsapp)
Created: May 30 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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