Resin kabolka 700 ₸

Resin kabolka

Created: July 28 2022
Resin kabolka Astana - photo 1
Resin kabolka Astana - photo 2
Resin kabolka Astana - photo 3
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Condition: New 
Cable in buckets. Resin cabel. Wringed cable: A cable (rope) is a linen or other fibrous material (natural or artificial) strand, impregnated if necessary with an antiseptic (antiseptic substance), woven in a special way, which gives it increased biostability, good resistance to decay, which significantly increases the service life. operation. It is used at: installation of pipes of the sewerage; repair of urban water supply networks, caulking of the lower crowns of log cabins, as it has an antiseptic effect; assembling log cabins from timber, stuffing along the edges of the timber; caulking of wooden vessels; production of cables for sailing ships. The raw material used is a rope made of flax, hemp, agave or other plant fibers (1-, 2-, 3-strand). Size - diameter 6-8 mm, 10-12 mm. Impregnation materials - resin-bitumen mastics, petroleum bitumen (bni-4, Bnd, etc.), solvents prepared using a special technology at elevated temperatures. Mass fraction of impregnation - 40
Created: July 28 2022
Айтас Инвест
Was online february 25 08:22
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Айтас Инвест
Was online february 25 08:22
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