Refrigerator sell working BOSCH 30 000 ₸

Refrigerator sell working BOSCH

Created: May 11 2022
Refrigerator sell working BOSCH Astana - photo 1
Refrigerator sell working BOSCH Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Used Bosch fridge freezer for sale. Size: width 69cm, height 178cm. Didn't fit in new apartment so selling. There are some minor imperfections, but they do not affect performance. The shelves are intact, but not everywhere. The motor works fine 10/10 Pickup is Kosshygululy street 16/3 there is an elevator, I will give the number of a gazelle and a loader if necessary, bargaining is appropriate
Created: May 11 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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30 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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