Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red

Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red

Created: May 18 2022
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 1
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 2
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 3
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 4
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 5
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 6
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 7
Dry cleaning of furniture, cleaning of sofas, mattresses, strollers in Astana Kaspi Red Astana - photo 8
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
The result is visible immediately! THE BEST PRICES! Check out for free! Quality guarantee 100%!!! Valid Kaspi Red CALL 8701 809 88 18 8 777 038 32 35 Dry cleaning of furniture, sofas, armchairs, mattresses, chairs. - hypoallergenic chemicals - Prochem, Chemspec, odor removers Chemspec Kill Odor Citrus, chemical neutralizer - Chemspec Fiber Rinse. Cleaning is carried out on German professional equipment KARCHER. We remove any stains and odors. Quality assurance, AFFORDABLE PRICES and the MAXIMUM SHORT TERMS of performance of work, taking into account all wishes. You will definitely be satisfied with the result! Our website - ecochistka.kz CALL us we will advise you.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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