Hilti (Hilti) HDM manual dispenser for adhesive anchors 56 000 ₸

Hilti (Hilti) HDM manual dispenser for adhesive anchors

Created: May 27 2022
Hilti (Hilti) HDM manual dispenser for adhesive anchors Astana - photo 1
Hilti (Hilti) HDM manual dispenser for adhesive anchors Astana - photo 2
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Hilti (Hilti) HDM manual dispenser for adhesive anchors New • Specify sizes and prices with our managers by phone or WhatsApp 87013963783 • How to purchase goods in our store: 1. Pickup from a store in Nur-Sultan (Astana) 2. Order courier delivery in Nur-Sultan from 1000 tenge. When buying more than 50000 tenge Delivery is free 3. Arrange delivery from logistics companies throughout Kazakhstan Payment options: Cash, Bank transfer, QR, etc. • We provide all types of documents Invoice (ESF) and waybills, etc. •Please, OLKh, do not write better on WhatsApp, we will quickly answer •Our address: Aynak?l 27a, Nur-Sultan (you can dial in 2GIS) •Working hours: Monday - Saturday: 10:00-18:00 Sunday - day off. •Add our listing to your FAVORITES so you don't lose us. • ALSO SEE OUR OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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56 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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