Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT

Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT

Created: May 16 2022
Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT Astana - photo 1
Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT Astana - photo 2
Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT Astana - photo 3
Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT Astana - photo 4
Sketch, DESIGN, Working draft, legalization, RE-PLANNING, act of INPUT Astana - photo 5
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan
Say that you are on COL and receive an act of commissioning the redevelopment of an apartment for 15,000 tenge! For more information, visit our website As well as all the latest and necessary information on Instagram architects_ra We will help legalize redevelopment and refurbishment. Our company is engaged in all types of design, such as: Preliminary design, technical design, working draft, fore sketch, design project of interiors, exteriors and landscape, graphic designer services Additionally, there are all engineers for all sections of the working draft and designers. And also there are specialists in supporting documents related to the legalization of real estate. FREE consultation on simple objects! 87013871797 (watsApp available) 87003871797
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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